Monday, October 5, 2009

Whale Watching

This school holidays we went whale watching at Hervey Bay we were lucky enough to stumble apon a beautiful mother and her baby who allowed us the pleasure of watching us and not stealing her baby away.

The fact that she was comfortable enough to let us stay nearby was amazing as when I went years and years ago well 1994 to be exact the only mother we saw took her baby away so quickly , it was a blink of an eye. So we felt really privileged to be with her. I also found out that whales will often use a midwife to help their baby to the surface after birth and that the calf will average 80kg a day weight gain.

Anyway enough of the biology lesson here is some photos to enjoy.
Baby Breaching out the water
Mother with baby on his belly
Tail view of one of a pod of 5 males hanging out together

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Making my way through life trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up.
